What an honour it was to host T-SQL Tuesday this month and I received some really great submissions. This wrap up post aims to give a quick insight into each of them in the hope that more members of the SQL Family can find some time to click on them and learn more. I counted 22 posts including my own which was a great response. If you missed the original invite, you can find the link below.
I learned so much by hosting this and made sure I gave due care to reading every post. It was also a lot of fun and allowed me to interact with people in the community that I haven’t met before. If you haven’t hosted T-SQL Tuesday before, please contact Steve Jones as we are always looking for new hosts.
Wrap Up
Rob Farley – Short and to the point like I asked for, Rob details a quick way to find objects. And he was happy to clear up for the reader that I didn’t mean GOTO as in the old BASIC syntax you could run on your commodore 64. (For me it was an Amstrad CPC464)
Koen Verbeek – Koen shows us numbers tables, tally tables and a dates table. These are really useful constructs for allowing your queries to go “set based”. Essential reading for anyone who cares about performance. https://sqlkover.com/t-sql-tuesday-143-short-code-examples/
Aaron Bertrand – Aaron shows us how he “bulletproofs” his answers for dba.stackexchange and Stack Overflow. db<>fiddle was new to me. I love some of Aaron’s demo database names like [master (Restoring…)]. I ran the create command on my test instance and had to drop the DB right away as it was giving me the chills.
Deborah Melkin – Deborah shows us a really useful debugging trick when creating stored procedures that use dynamic sql. Many of us have been lost in dynamic sql at some point, and this snippet is great at helping you see where you are.
Kenneth Fisher – Kenneth shares a compendium of previous posts which all require some serious reading. My favourite was “all jobs that ran during a given time frame”
Jeff Hill – Jeff shared 4 great PowerShell snippets. True to this month’s request, they are short and incredibly useful. Want to know what version of Windows you are running on your Server or when it was last rebooted, look no further.
Chad Baldwin – Chad is a newcomer to T-SQL Tuesday and chipped in with a stellar first post. I must admit, I’ve never given much thought to how to format a result set as I’ll usually do it in the client, but when you need to; it is possible as Chad shows. But that’s only the start. There’s too much to discuss in this digest as he also covers tally tables, random numbers and overcoming the divide by 0 problem. Did I mention he also covers docker, monitoring/filtering log files and setting aliases. Cap doffed.
Andy Yun – Random numbers, random delays (I wonder if Scotrail use this script) and random strings. Thanks Andy for a great post. There are great scripts on their own and for building into more complex ones.
Kevin Chant – Kevin discusses just how to get the most out Glenn Berry’s diagnostic scripts, specifically in relation to missing indexes. He also shows a create table syntax and highlights how effective it has been for him in his training sessions around Dev Ops.
Andy Mallon – Andy stores all of his useful scripts in a DBA database. It’s a popular approach and I was hoping someone would mention this. Andy goes beyond this though and has converted a lot of scripts into Stored Procedures. Whilst having a local scripts folder is great; if you can put your code into a stored procedure in a database which you deploy to all the servers you manage, there is no need to panic and find the scripts when the pressure is on. I must admit I love this approach and I’ll be downloading Andy’s database to look further into it.
Jason Brimhall – Jason talks about all things endpoints here and I found the code examples so handy. I’ve already used them. Not only can you use them to validate your endpoints, but you can also use them to fix some issues as well. On a personal note, just what I needed.
Tom Zika – Tom shares loads of useful snippets including regex and t-sql. Wow – one regex snippet shows us how to find table variable declarations and turn them into temp tables. You could make a killing selling this one trick to consultants. Tom also shares a mega handy way to check permissions using impersonation as well as a great method to find referencing objects.
Mikey Bronowski – Mikey shows us a handy way to execute multiple queries including dynamic ones and also tells us about agent_datetime() function. I have to admit I’ve never used that function but it looks so useful for when you are interrogating those msdb agent job tables. I will definitely be adding it my list. Finally, he shares a useful query for pulling back table data with his added enhancement (however a nice little plug for DBATools hints he now has a better way of approaching this).
Todd Kleinhans – Todd focuses on Python and he is the only person to do so. I won’t give away his one liner but it’s just the sort of thing I was looking for. Are you feeling Zen?
Mala Mahadevan – Mala shares some top class queries for interrogating query store. Query store has so much useful data that knowing how to get started querying it will be a big win for some.
Chad Callihan – Chad mentioned 3 handy t-sql snippets and then shared a gem for keeping Brent Ozar’s First Responder Kit up to date. (Hint he uses DBATools). DBATools and FRK are amongst the most essential free tools for any DBA and beyond. If you run anything like sp_blitz or sp_blitzcache, it’s worth keeping it up to date and this method shows how to do it in only a few lines of code.
Deepthi Goguri – Deepthi shares some of the best of the rest by highlighting some of her favourite community scripts. From help with migrations to troubleshooting replication, it just goes to show that there’s no need to reinvent the wheel when there’s a perfectly good script out there that meets your needs.
Steve Jones – Did you know that you could get a tally table with just 4 key strokes? Steve shows you how, leveraging on the power of SQL Prompt by Redgate. This is taking snippets to a new level.
Jess Pomfret – Aloha to Jess who squeezes her entry in on time due to the Hawaiian time loophole. Want to find out if certain accounts are local admins on remote servers? Jess shares a quick and efficient method for finding this out. Being Jess, of course she is using PowerShell to make her life easier. I for one will be stealing this.
Eitan Blumin – Eitan takes the opportunity to link to some of his past blog posts which are full of useful code however he doesn’t stop there. With a new entry for T-SQL Tuesday, Eitan shows us how to move database files to a new location in Always On Availability Groups without breaking HADR. Ok at 374 lines, it’s a bit more than a snippet but it’s really great code so we’ll let that one slide.
Shane O’Neill – Shane also mentions agent_datetime(). It’s a cool function for converting the very user unfriendly ms format that we see in msdb tables. Shane points out it might not be the most efficient function however when you don’t have much data to bring back, it’s much quicker than rewriting the thing. Shane being Shane (Big Powershell fan) also points out a few great PowerShell commands for formatting and sorting and shows how they can be used in conjunction with other commands that yield really useful results.
P.S. I’ve taken every bit of care to check my comments and on twitter but if I have missed your post, please let me know and I’ll include it immediately.